Vaping vs Smoking Cigarettes
Which One Will Save You Money?
So lets say on average a Large pack of cigarettes (25 smokes) would cost you around $13. We can also assume that the average smoker will smoke about a pack a day. That works out to ~ $91 every week! INSANITY!
That works out to ~ $390 per month on cigarettes.
Let's assume you purchase one of our most popular starter kits, the Joyetech eGo AiO - It's $24.99. (You can expect for it to reasonably last you about 9-12 months before it needs to be replaced. If you take care of your things, expect longer.)
Let's also assume you purchase one of our most popular e-juice flavours, Nana Banana - It's $34.99 for a 120mL bottle. (You can expect 30mL to last you ~ a week, depending on how often you vape.)
You will also need to purchase Replacement Coils - each coil will last you about a week as well, each pack has 5 coils, and that costs $14.99.
Your first month will cost you
$24.99 (Joyetech eGo AiO)
+ $34.99 (Nana Banana)
+ $14.99 (Replacement Coils)
= $74.97
On your first month, you have already saved $315.03!
If you continue vaping Nana Banana, and use one coil every week (let's assume one coil gives you trouble, so you have 1 month use out of a 5 pack of coils) - Your constant monthly expense is now only $49.98, for a total saving of $340.02 every month after your first.
Let's pro-rate this to a 1 year period.
In your first year, you will save an estimated $4,055.25, What would you spend that money on instead? Let us know in the comments =)