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Browse and Create D.I.Y E-Juice
August 13th 2017 | Revised August 13th 2017
Browse and Create D.I.Y E-Juice

We're extremely excited to release our Recipe Management Tool as well as the accompanying E-Juice Calculator.

You can create and manage your recipes by going to My Recipes - There; you can Create, and manage new and existing recipes.

Creating a Recipe

Creating a recipe has never been easier. Simply navigate to the My Recipes page, press "Create New Recipe" on the top right. Give your recipe a name, a short description (only if you plan to publish it), and the suggested VG / PG for the mix, and the ideal steep time.

Once you press "Continue to Ingredients", you'll find a new page which asks you to choose an ingredient from our extensive D.I.Y catalog and define how much of that flavour should go in the recipe (in a percentage).

You don't need to worry about VG / PG / Nicotine as the calculator handles that for you.

Using the Calculator

Navigate to the D.I.Y E-Juice Recipes page, click on a recipe and you will be prompted with the calculator.

From here, you may enter your desired batch, VG, PG, Nicotine, etc.

The greatest part about our calculator is it prices out the cost for the recipe you're looking to make. The cost is based on prices from our website. You are also able to add the ingredients to your cart by pressing the little shopping cart icon.

Browse, Calculate, Create, and Review - Your D.I.Y needs have just been consolidated to one tool, and to one store.

If you have feedback, please leave it below this blog post! We're excited for you to get started!

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