DashVapes is committed to ensuring our manufacturing standards are world-class. DashVapes are among the first e-liquid producers in Canada to become an ISO9001:2015 Certified Company.
What does this mean?
This means that our quality management systems are at a standard that is internationally recognized. The same standard is used at hospitals, pharmaceutical labs, government, etc.
Being an ISO 9001:2015 Certified company ensures that our production is always consistent, reliable, and most of all; traceable.
You may have noticed batch numbers on every bottle you purchase in the last several months; You can go to our Batch Look-up Tool and enter the number on your bottle to see which components make up your liquid, and how much of it is in there.
The E-Liquid you purchase from DashVapes is manufactured in an ISO Class 7 Clean Room (Air Quality Standards), Bottled in an ISO Class 8 Environment, and produced to ISO 9001:2015 Standards.
We want to thank Chris from ISOLocity and Mike from DVine for helping us with this giant leap.
We are extremely excited for this step - and we hope you let us help you on your journey in the future!