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Federal Flavour Ban Expected
November 14th 2024 | Revised December 18th 2024
Federal Flavour Ban Expected

UPDATE: As of the December 18, 2024, publication of Gazette II—an official government document that formalizes and enacts proposed regulations—no flavour ban has been announced. However, there are rumours that the government may reintroduce a new Gazette I, which serves as the initial stage of the regulatory process, outlining proposed changes for public consultation. Currently, there is no flavour ban in effect. We will update this post as more information becomes available.

By December 18th, 2024, the Honourable Ya'ara Saks, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, is expected to announce a federal ban on pre-mixed flavoured vaping products in Canada, limiting available flavours to only mint, menthol, tobacco, and unflavoured e-liquids. Once the announcement is made, it’s anticipated that retailers will have a 60-day period to sell through existing flavoured inventory, meaning flavoured vaping products will likely be removed from the legal market by February 15th, 2025 (While supplies last).

However, you will still be able to purchase unflavoured nicotine products from DashVapes and create your own flavoured e-liquids by adding flavours sourced independently. For this purpose, we recommend www.flvrs.com, a trusted supplier of water-soluble food-grade flavourings, to help maintain your preferred flavour experience within the bounds of the new regulations.

If you are new to mixing your own liquid, You can use the calculator our friends at www.calcul8.org created to determine the right amounts of unflavoured nicotine base and flavouring needed to create your ideal mix in two steps.

We will update this post as more information becomes available.

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