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E-Liquid Recipes Containing Toasted Almond by The Flavor Apprentice

Created by Mohammed H. on March 22nd, 2019 8:47PM - 13,618 View(s)
found from reddit. https://old.reddit.com/r/DIY_eJuice/comments/3uv7v4/churrios_my_take_on_it_90_ac...
All ABout The Custard
Created by Mark R. on November 11th, 2017 8:31AM - 14,742 View(s)
A very traditional Custard Base that is simple but super tasty after a 7-14 day steep time. You can ...
Ah Nuts
Created by James M. on October 1st, 2017 10:11PM - 13,006 View(s)
A blend of nuts with a hint of custard...
Created by Mark R. on September 8th, 2017 7:02PM - 15,594 View(s)
This is my take on a Grilled Pineapple. I have worked on this for awhile and I think I finally have ...
Apricot Road
Created by Mark R. on August 26th, 2017 12:46PM - 15,288 View(s)
Sweet Apricot pie filling laid on a bed of creamy milk, topped with Toasted Almonds and Brown Sugar....
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