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E-Liquid Recipes Containing Pomegranate by Flavour Art

Created by Alfred M. on September 16th, 2022 11:13AM - 11,963 View(s)
An awesome all-day vape. The flavors of pomegranate, raspberry and a touch of blueberry and strawber...
V's Rockin Strawberry Blender
Created by Vanessa C. on May 7th, 2020 6:29AM - 11,690 View(s)
Strawberry mixed with some fruits for the fresh morning smoothie taste!...
PomCherry Nectar
Created by James C. on October 2nd, 2018 10:01PM - 11,842 View(s)
A heavenly combination of black cherries pomegranate with a slight touch of mango and honeydew. Wit...
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