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E-Liquid Recipes Containing Peach by Inawera

The Cross œ�️
Created by Adam J. on June 27th, 2020 12:08AM - 11,208 View(s)
A cross of 4 different flavours, colours and companies + sweeteners. Works well for pod systems usin...
Fuzzy Peach Gummy Candy V2
Created by Adam J. on June 1st, 2019 2:41PM - 12,974 View(s)
This my version 2. In version 1 the SugarDaddy was a bit too high and muting a bit of the peach. Th...
Fuzzy Peach Gummy Candy
Created by Adam J. on May 31st, 2019 1:13AM - 11,082 View(s)
I made a version 2. The SugarDaddy should be at 0.75% as it is muting a little bit at 1% These 2 pea...
Created by Kathy H. on October 31st, 2018 1:53PM - 13,310 View(s)
Flavourful shake and vape...
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