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E-Liquid Recipes by Francis P.

Kreamy Banacoco Coffeestachio
Created by Francis P. on January 13th, 2019 11:51PM - 11,507 View(s)
the title sais it, it's a creamy and yogurty coffee with hints of pistachio and coconut with banana ...
Frutty Darky
Created by Francis P. on January 9th, 2019 4:11PM - 9,132 View(s)
vanilla icecream with dark fruits...
Frutty Sunny
Created by Francis P. on January 5th, 2019 2:15AM - 8,271 View(s)
a mix of summer fruits to my taste, strawberry, peach, dragonfruit, fuji apple and a little sweetner...
Berrycott'n's Sweety
Created by Francis P. on December 19th, 2018 10:37PM - 10,726 View(s)
a pink cotton candy mixed with blue raspberry and a hint of blueberry ...
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