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E-Liquid Recipes by Mark G.

Created by Mark G. on August 12th, 2019 3:12PM - 12,295 View(s)
Ice cream rolled in fruity flakes cereal and then fried. Tasty stuff! You MUST let this steep for at...
OH MY.... Momma's Apple Pie!
Created by Mark G. on July 22nd, 2019 4:33PM - 12,646 View(s)
Like momma's freshly made apple pie. The apple flavours..self explanatory. Sugar cookie and biscuit...
Icy Lemony Snicket Drops
Created by Mark G. on May 31st, 2019 8:07AM - 12,748 View(s)
Another great summer vape! Icy lemony candy vape. You can omit the smooth flavor by tfa (it helps ro...
Raspberry Kiwi Brain Freeze
Created by Mark G. on May 4th, 2019 5:38PM - 12,358 View(s)
This mix consists of 2 different raspberries. They both pick up where the other one has left off. TF...
Portuguese Custard Tart With New-tella
Created by Mark G. on May 4th, 2019 12:30PM - 14,763 View(s)
Portuguese style custard tart with Chocolate hazelnut spread! ...
Passionomango Peach Brain Freeze
Created by Mark G. on April 23rd, 2019 4:17PM - 12,165 View(s)
Great summer time vape. Been working on this for a long time. Let steep for at least 3 days. 1 week ...
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