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What is "Temperature Control" vaping?
May 25th, 2018

Temperature control is a topic that we get asked about almost everyday. About 95% of the mods on the market have temperature control features, but it seems like only a handful of people are actually utilizing it. Today, we’re going to cover what it is, the pros and cons, and hopefully help you see if its right for you.

First, let’s talk about what temperature control is. The temperature control features in your vape lets you set a preset temperature in either Celsius or Fahrenheit that your coil won’t exceed. When the mod detects that the coil has reached it’s set temperature, it almost acts as a limiter and will automatically adjust the amount of power accordingly. The nice thing about this is that no matter how you vape, whether it be mouth-to-lung or direct to lung, your coil is going to remain at the same set temperature.

This is a great feature if you’re looking to avoid dry hits as much as possible. When your coil is actually burning the cotton and creating a dry hit, the temperature of the coil gets much higher than it would be just vaporizing e-juice.

If this all sounds good to you, lets talk about setting up your device for temperature control vaping. First things first, you’re going to need a coil that can support temperature control. There are 3 materials that can support temperature control. Nickel, titanium, and 316 Stainless Steel. When you have your coil installed, set your device to the corresponding material, and lock the resistance right away. Locking in the base resistance while the coil is at room temperature is a crucial step, as when these coil materials heat up, the resistance fluctuates. Locking in the resistance will vary from mod to mod, so double check the manual on how to do so.

Now, you’re able to set the recommended wattage and temperature for your coil. This is going to vary depending on the type of coil you have and how hot you like to vape.

Now that we know the process on achieving temperature control, lets talk about the pros and cons.

The pros, as mentioned before, are that you have an extremely consistant vape, no matter how you inhale on it. A lot of flavour chasers actually prefer using temperature control as some flavourings in ejuice vapourize at different temperatures. You also avoid getting dry hits as the coil doesnt reach a heat high enough to burn the cotton.

Now, the negatives of temperature control are that vaping nickel and titanium can be hazardous if accidently vaped in regular wattage mode. Nickel and Titanium can oxidize if it reaches a certain temperature. This is many people prefer Stainless Steel as it’s safe to vape in regular wattage mode as well. Another thing you’ll notice is your battery life. Using temperature control requires more power to be drawn from your battery, therefore battery life will be shortened. Also, I find that I don’t get as much vapour production from a temperature control setup as I would from a regular wattage setup. This may be because instead of pushing raw power through a coil without a cap, the power fluctuates throughout your hit.

All in all, temperature control vaping is definitely a step forward in vaping, but i personally mainly use regular wattage mode as I feel like i get a more satisfying vape from it. With that said, however, many people prefer temperature control over wattage.

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